




帽儿胡同位于北京市东城区西北部。在北京城十大胡同中排行第四。 有着百年历史的帽儿胡同虽然经历了岁月蚕食,但胡同依然保存着原来的风貌。明朝时候,称为梓潼庙文昌宫,清朝时称为帽儿胡同。胡同35号和37号是末代皇后婉容故居。这条胡同还住过很多名人,比如明代将领洪承畴、北洋军阀冯国璋。

Mao’er Hutong is located in the northwest of Dongcheng District, Beijing. It ranks fourth among the top ten hutongs in Beijing. Although Mao’er Hutong, with a history of one hundred years, has been eroded by the years, the Hutong still retains its original style. In the Ming Dynasty, it was called Zitong Temple Wenchang Palace, and in the Qing Dynasty it was called Mao’er Hutong. Hutong No. 35 and No. 37 are the former residence of the last empress Wanrong. Many celebrities used to live here, such as Hong Chengchou, a general of the Ming Dynasty, and Feng Guozhang, the Beiyang warlords.


Address: Northwest of Dongcheng District, Beijing


Traffic route: Take Metro Line 8 and get off Shichahai Station. Exit from the southeast exit and walk 190 meters to get there.